Common role

This role will setup a lot of different stuff of your system. I use it on all my servers. It's tested on :

Here's the minimum variables you should set

# A list of trusted IP. Will have accesso to the SSH service of all the servers for example 

# Unix groups whose members will have sudo access. The group must already exists, it won't be created (it can be a group from LDAP or AD for example)
  - admins
# Email address which will receive system email, those addressed to root@yourserver
# Some roles which uses a database will try to read mysql_server or pg_server (or fallback to localhost if not defined)
# If you have a host dedicated to database, you can set it
mysql_admin_pass: "{{ vault_mysql_admin_pass }}"
pg_admin_pass: "{{ vault_pg_admin_pass }}"
# System timezone
system_tz: 'Europe/Paris'
vault_mysql_admin_pass and vault_pg_admin_pass are passwords, so I do not store them in clear. Instead, they are stored in a vault and referenced here for clarity

Of course, there are a lot more variables available. You can look in roles/common/defaults. Some other roles can be pulled in as a dependency if some specific variables are set. For example, if you set the following :

ad_auth: True
samba_domain: acme
ad_admin_pass: "{{ vault_samba_dc_admin_pass }}"
ad_access_filter: DOM:FWS.FR:(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(primaryGroupId=513)(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=Role_Unix,OU=Roles,DC=acme,DC=com))

Then the sssd_ad_auth role will be pulled in, and your server will be joined to the domain during the playbook (and in this example, users will only be accepted if they are a direct or indirect member of the group CN=Role_Unix,OU=Roles,DC=acme,DC=com)

You can check roles/common/meta/main.yml to see which roles will be pulled in as dependency