Table des matières

Full dovecot installation

SME Server uses a quite specific dovecot setup, where only the dovecot imap binary is called. The authentication is done via imap-front-auth (which uses cvm-unix), then imap-frontauth calls the imap binary. SSL handling is done using sslio.

I've started this project because dovecot can offer much more than what we're currently using on SME Server. For example:

This page explains what the status of the project, and how to test it.


This project is simply a new package called smeserver-dovecot, which is a complete drop-in replacement for the actual e-smith-imap. It requires dovecot 2. All the features which was available with e-smith-imap are also available, plus some extra ;-)

Most of the extra features are design to work with SOGo but I'm sure at least some of them can be used with other mail clients (horde ?)


This project is in beta stage. We're using it on about 10 production servers (the biggest one handle about 120 users) since several years now, and we have no issue.


The current package brings the following new features. Some of these features are not enabled on a default installations, but can be enabled really easily


To install this, you need to configure three repositories: atrpms, atrpms-testing (in which we can find dovecot 2) and our testing repository (which contains smeserver-dovecot)

db yum_repositories set fws-testing repository \
BaseURL\$releasever \
EnableGroups no GPGCheck yes \
Name "Firewall Services Testing" \
GPGKey \
Visible yes status disabled
db yum_repositories set atrpms-testing repository \
BaseURL '$releasever-$basearch/atrpms/testing' \
EnableGroups yes \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey \
Name ATrpms \
Visible no \
status disabled \
IncludePkgs 'dovecot-pigeonhole,dovecot-managesieve,dovecot' \
Priority 9
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set atrpms repository \
Name 'atrpms - EL5' \
BaseURL '$releasever-$basearch/atrpms/stable' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey \
Visible no \
Exclude clamav,spamassassin,libselinux,perl-HTML-Parser,lm_sensors,\
gd,perl-TimeDate,librpm4.4,dovecot \
status disabled
signal-event yum-modify

iPasserelle config

iPasserelle config

iPasserelle needs a specific repo config as it uses additionnal repo with different priorities

db yum_repositories set atrpms-testing-dovecot repository \
Name 'atrpms testing - EL5 - dovecot' \
BaseURL '$releasever-$basearch/atrpms/testing' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey \
Visible no \
Priority 8 \
IncludePkgs dovecot-managesieve,dovecot-pigeonhole,dovecot \
status enabled
signal-event yum-modify

Then, you can install smeserver-dovecot:

yum --enablerepo=fws-testing --enablerepo=atrpms-testing --enablerepo=atrpms install smeserver-dovecot

You also need to mount the filesystem where /home/e-smith/files/users is stored with the acl option (it will be usually / or /home/e-smith/files if you used the sme multipart install option). To do so, just edit the file /etc/fstab, and add acl after the usrquota,grpquota, for example:

# BE CAREFUL WHEN MODIFYING THIS FILE! It is updated automatically
# by the SME server software. A few entries are updated during
# the template processing of the file and white space is removed,
# but otherwise changes to the file are preserved.
# For more information, see and
# the template fragments in /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/fstab/.
# copyright (C) 2002 Mitel Networks Corporation
/dev/main/root          /                       ext3    usrquota,grpquota        1 1
/dev/md1                /boot                   ext3    defaults        1 2
/dev/main/tmp           /tmp                    ext3    usrquota,grpquota        1 2
/dev/main/files         /home/e-smith/files     ext3    usrquota,grpquota,acl        1 2
/dev/main/var           /var                    ext3    usrquota,grpquota        1 2
tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0
devpts                  /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
sysfs                   /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0
proc                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0
/dev/main/swap          swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

This should already be the case if you have installed the smeserver-shared-folders contrib.

Now, you can restart your server

signal-event post-upgrade
signal-event reboot


With smeserver-dovecot installed, 4 services in the configuration DB are used

Here are the differents DB key to configure dovecot:

After you've configured the prop like you want, just run

signal-event email-update

To apply the new settings

Sieve and dovecot-lda

When Sieve is enabled, dovecot-lda is used to deliver mail in mailboxes (so it can apply sieve scripts) instead of qmail. Dovecot-lda is more ressources intensives than qmail, so you may have performance penalty when users receive a lot of mails (for example, when you use the Bcc qpsmtpd's plugin to copy every mail in one mailbox). You can selectivly disable dovecot-lda for some users, for example, to disable dovecot-lda for user maillog:

db accounts setprop maillog Sieve disabled
signal-event email-update

This will let qmail handle mail delivery for this user.

Shared Mailboxes

ShareMailbox is an important feature for us (and our customers).

To enable it:

db configuration setprop dovecot SharedMailbox enabled
signal-event email-update

When this feature is enabled, a special group named sharedmailbox (automatically created during install) will have:

This special group is empty (no member), so this has limited impact on the security of the server. Just be sure to never add any user in this group. (It's a system group, and won't appear in the server-manager, so you cannot add members easily).

When a user access its mailbox through the IMAP server, dovecot spawn a new process with the standard user privileges, plus the sharedmailbox group. So basically a user is member of this special group only through dovecot. This configuration allows shared mailbox at the filesystem level. Effective permissions between differents users are enforced by IMAP ACL extension. You need a client which support this (tested with SOGo and Thunderbird using this extension ).

Once enabled, you can grant different access level (read, post, delete, change flags, create sub folders etc.) to other users, or group of users on your IMAP folders.

SOGo integration

To enable all these features with SOGo, you need to modify it's configuration. Here're the configuration to change (you need to create a custom template) in /home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults:

    SOGoSieveServer = "sieve://localhost:4190";
    SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;
    SOGoForwardEnabled = YES;
    SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;

Here's the snippet I've added in the template to conditionnally enable all this:

    if (($sieve{'status'} || 'disabled') eq 'enabled'){
        my $sieveport = $sieve{'TCPPort'} || '4190';
        $OUT .=<<"HERE";
        SOGoSieveServer = "sieve://localhost:$sieveport";
        SOGoVacationEnabled = YES;
        SOGoForwardEnabled = YES;
        SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;

Then, just expand /home/sogo/GNUstep/Defaults/.GNUstepDefaults and restart SOGo, now you should have access to all these extra features :-)


Here're some screenshots of SOGo showing some of these features: